Monday, February 15, 2010

Update 2 (Digital Sketch)

I did an update to my first post, by adding sketches, and arranging the points. But, I will put my new update to new post to avoid any confusion.

So this is the first digital sketch I have to show what actually I want to improve.

I moved away the description of dog's from the page, and added in visual element, use Icon to display the dog's friendly, playful, loyalty and so on. There was a "HELP" button on the top right corner, which are to display the extend information. For the top banner, I edited the font type to the one that can be more appropriate for kids, and the "Kennel", I added the kennel icon to make sure kids know what kennel is?. I also change the color that would be suitable for target user, especially kids. I try to make sure everything that are fit into this small screen space, and not to exceed the screen space, I will at least give some breathing space to user.

So far my icons design are still developing, for example, look at the first post, in icon section, which I posted few days ago, or I will just put it here again. Those are the icon design which I looking for, simple, small, and enough to show what is the meaning of the icon.

Next, I will show my ideation for the problem below.

The original 1, there are no any instruction to determinate how we user can interact with their dogs, I can see that many users ask for help on internet regarding how to control the touch pen in this part. So, my idea is, put a "help" icon on the top right corner, which we can click it, and the first screen will display list of instruction to use, with the scroll arrow beside to solve the screen size limitation problem. Same as the first problem I faced, if the instruction are only with text, kids might not understand, so I put the combination of pictures and text in order to help the user who didn't understand too much of the description.

There are still a few problems that I need to improve, but for my next digital sketch, I will edit in this post to make sure it won't looks complicated.

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